Machine Learning Research Assistant

What is User engagement?

•Definition of Engagement: “Engagement is user experience characterized by attributes of challenge, positive affect, endurability, aesthetic and sensory appeal, attention, feedback, variety/novelty, interactivity, and perceived user control”[1]

•Disengagement is the result of internal and external factors

•Internal: Lack of intrinsic motivation, lack of attention span, fatigue, etc.

•External: noise, other people in subjects physical space, latency

•Our project seeks to use Deep Learning techniques to detect External and Internal factors that hinder user engagement

Landmark Detection Sample

Facial Landmark detection is key to user engagement assessment as it tracks key points on the face. Below is a sample of how Landmark Detection is used to track 68 key points on the subject’s face

Face Detection Sample

Face Detection is used alongside Landmark detection to create a bounding box around the subject’s face. Below is a sample.